In 1706, an English mathematician introduced the Greek alphabet pi (π) to represent the said value. However, in 1737, Euler officially adopted this symbol to represent the number.
Most of the people are ignorant of the fact circle has infinite number of corners. The value of the pi is the number of times the diameter of a circle would fit around its circumference.
The value of pi is 22/7 and it is written as π=22/7 or as π=3.14.
The value of pi with first 100 decimal places is: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
Another interesting fact is you would not find a zero in the first 31 digits of pi.
Besides everyday geometry calculations, the value of pi is also used in numerous scientific equations including genetic engineering, measuring the ripples, super strings, normal distribution and so on.
Do you know pi not only an irrational number but also a transcendental number?
Another interesting fact about pi is it was taken from the Greek letter "Piwas". It is also the 16th Greek alphabet.
A businessman in Cleveland, US published a book in 1931 to announce the value of pi is 256/81.
If you were to print billion decimals of pi in ordinary font it would stretch from New York City to Kansas.

Did you know that it took Yasumasa Kanada, a professor at the University of Tokyo, approximately 116 hours to compute 6,442,450,000 decimal places of Pi on a computer?
In 1706, John Machin introduced a rapidly converging formula for the calculation of pi. It was π/4= 4 * arc tan (1/5) – arc tan (1/239).
In 1949, it took 70 hours to calculate 2,037 decimal places of pi using ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator and Computer).
A German mathematician, Ludolph van Ceulen, devoted his entire life to calculate the first 35 decimal places of pi.
In 1768, Johann Lambert proved value of Pi is an irrational number and in 1882, Ferdinand Lindemann, a renowned mathematician proved Pi is a transcendental number.
There are people who memorize all the decimal digits of pi. The people make up songs and music based on the digits of pi. There are numerous interesting and fun facts about pi.
Mathematical Pi Song
1 comment:
You can never find the true circumference or area of a circle because we can never find the true value of pi. To know more things give it a look,
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