Interesting Facts About The Human Body

Children grow faster in the springtime.

It takes the human stomach an hour to break down cow's milk.

Your stomach needs to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it would digest itself.

It takes 72 different muscles to produce human speech.

Relative to size, the strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long - eye, jaw, rib, hip, arm, leg, ear, toe, lip and gum.

If you go blind in one eye you only lose about one fifth of your vision but all your sense of depth.

Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.

You were born with 300 bones. When you get to be an adult, you have 206.

Your nose and ears never stop growing.

After you die, your body starts to dry out creating the illusion that your hair and nails are still growing after death.

The length of the finger dictates how fast your fingernails grow. The nail on your middle finger grows the fastest, and on average, your toenails grow half the speed of your fingernails.

A healthy adult can draw in about 200 to 300 cubic inches (3.3 to 4.9 litres) of air at a single breath, but at rest only about 5% of this volume is used.

15 million blood cells are destroyed in the human body every second.

The average human will shed over 18 kilograms or 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime.
