Interesting Facts About Food and Diet

The staple food of the Kanembu, a tribe living on the shores of Lake Chad in Africa, is Algae. The Kanembu harvest a common variety known as Spirulina from the lake, dry it on the sand, mix it up into a spicy cake, and eat it with tomatoes and chili peppers.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Consumption of green and yellow vegetables has decreased 6.3 pounds a year per person since the late 1940s. The use of cereal and flour products has dropped about 30 pounds a year per person, and Consumption of noncitrus fruits has declined at about the same rate. The only fruits whose rate of consumption has increased since World War I are citrus fruits.

The Bible mentions Salt more than thirty times.

Apples are more efficient than coffee at keeping people awake in the morning.

On average, a pound of potato Chips cost two hundred times more than a pound of potatoes.

Eighteen ounces of an average Cola drink contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

Though most people think of Salt as a seasoning, only 5 out of every 100 pounds produced each year go to the dinner table The rest is used for such diverse purposes as packing meat, building roads, feeding livestock, tanning leather, and manufacturing glass, soap, ash, and washing compounds.

The nutritional value of squash and pumpkin Seeds improves with age. These Seeds are among the few foods that increase in nutritive value as they decompose. According to tests made at the Massachusetts Experimental Station, squash and pumpkin Seeds stored for more than five months show a marked increase in protein content.

On the average, each American Consumes 117 pounds of potatoes, 116 pounds of beef, 100 pounds of fresh vegetables, 80 pounds of fresh fruit, and 286 eggs per year.

Half the foods eaten throughout the world today were developed by Farmers in the Andes Mountains. Potatoes, maize, sweet potatoes, squash, all varieties of beans, peanuts, manioc, cashews, pineapples, chocolate, avocados, tomatoes, peppers, papayas, strawberries, mulberries, and many other foods were first grown in this region.

In ancient China and certain parts of India, Mouse flesh was considered a great delicacy. In ancient Greece, where the Mouse was sacred to Apollo, Mice were sometimes devoured by temple priests.

According to a report issued by the Senate Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, improved Nutrition would cut the national health bill by approximately one third. The committee also claims that a diet composed of 10 percent protein, 10 percent fat, and 80 percent complex carbohydrates (plus exercise done in moderation) could save 98 percent of those who die of heart disease every year.

Rennet, a common substance used to curdle milk and make cheese, is taken from the inner lining of the fourth stomach of a calf.

There are 15,000 different kinds of Rice.

Rice is the chief food for half the people of the world.

In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was believed to be an aphrodisiac.

After the "Popeye" comic strip started in 1931, spinach consumption went up by thirty-three percent in the United States.

Refined Sugar is the only food known that provides calories but no nutrition. About 100 pounds of Sugar are eaten per person each year in America, and only 36 percent of it is taken directly. The rest is "hidden" in commercially sweetened and prepared foods like ketchup, baby food, canned fruits, and cereals. Children, it is estimated, consume 3 to 4 pounds of refined Sugar a week.

Among many native tribes in South Africa, Termites are roasted to a nutlike consistency and eaten by the handful, like party snacks. It might also be noted that at certain specialty food shops in the United States and Europe, the connoisseur of exotic delicacies can purchase such treats as chocolate covered ants, candied bees, and pickled bull's scrotum.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans eat more than 22 pounds of Tomatoes every year. More than half this amount is eaten in the form of ketchup and Tomato sauce.

Everyone knows about Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. Few are aware that there are also Vitamin K (promotes proper liver function and vitality), Vitamin T (helpful in treating anemia), Vitamin H (also called biotin), and Vitamin U (promotes healing of ulcers).

In ancient Rome it was considered a sin to eat the flesh of a Woodpecker.


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